Plant a Blue Spruce Tree (UK)

5.00 out of 5


Blue Spruce Tree
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Perfect for birds and bees



The blue spruce is a conifer native to North America and Canada. It is often planted due to its ornamental appearance as the blue/green needles glisten so attractively in Winter.

It produces pine cones and has a waxy texture to young branches.

The Blue Spruce grows to approximately 20 metres.

They are fast growing trees and can quickly help to absorb CO2 emissions. If you sponsor a blue spruce tree it will planted and named to whoever you dedicate it to.

After your purchase we will send you the precise location of your tree and a certificate for you via email.

Please note that we send everything via email to avoid adding to the carbon footprint of regular post and polluting the atmosphere.

Find out more about Blue Spruce trees.

View more trees in our Gift a Tree shop

Gift a Blue Spruce tree in the UK today.

5.00 out of 5

1 review for Plant a Blue Spruce Tree (UK)

  1. Sue Byford - Wiltshire
    5 out of 5

    I bought a Spruce tree in memory of my Grandad who recently passed. After receiving excellent customer service from the staff at Gift a Tree I knew I was in good and caring hands. I visited the location just 2 months later and a tear rolled down my face as I saw Grandad’s tree. Thank you.

    • Editor
      0 out of 5

      Thank you Sue for your heartfelt comment – We are always happy to help. x

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