Plant a Willow Tree (UK)

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Plant a Willow Tree
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Perfect for bees and small insects

SKU: SKU-WILLOW. Category:


When we plant a willow tree it will benefit nature and the environment tremendously.

There are over 400 different species of willow tree which are often referred to as a sallow tree.

At Gift a Tree we do not always specify whether we will plant a weeping willow or a grey willow as it all depends on the soil area we face. If it is damp and soggy, we will plant a grey willow as they love such conditions. Grey willows help to maintain flood control as their roots firm up the soil surrounding them. If the area is a less soggy we will plant a weeping willow. Weeping willow trees can be really stunning and often form a centre-piece of any large garden or country park.

Willow trees are native to the UK and Asia and grow in hedgerows and woodland. They grow to approximately 10 metres. In early life the bark of all willow trees is soft and furry and later becomes smooth but still quite flexible. The leaves are typically elongated, but may also be round to oval, frequently with serrated edges. Willow trees are mostly deciduous apart from a few rare species which are native to the eastern Mediterranean.

When we plant a willow tree it will naturally reproduce.
Willow trees are native to the UK and are excellent for nature. Grey willows are often referred to as pussy willows due to their soft flowing and lovely catkins. Catkins are full of pollen and nectar that attracts bees and other pollinators. All willow trees attract a variety of caterpillars including the rare puss moth. In addition to insects pollinating willow trees, wind plays an important part. Female catkins develop into soft furry holly seeds that give the more popular name pussy willow to the grey willow tree.

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