Trees outside UK

5.00 out of 5


Tree Planting Worldwide
Minimum of Ten Trees to Reduce Costs
Gift a Tree in a Country of Your Choice
Nominate Someone
The Tree Type will be Chosen by Our Partner in Your Selected Country
We Plant It
Get Exact Location
Receive Certificate



Buy a Tree in a Country of Your Choice – See World Tree Map Below.

Through working with our partners worldwide you can now choose the location and country of your tree. The type of tree will be left to our partner as their knowledge on what to plant would be based on the climate in each country. I.e There would we no point in choosing an oak tree to be in the plains near a desert.

To keep costs down trees on this page must be purchased in a minimum of 10 per location.

Wherever you choose, you can rest assured that a tree will be planted in your nominated persons name and you will receive a certificate showing the precise location of the tree. Each time a tree is chosen, we also send a donation to our partner so they grow awareness of their cause and even plant more trees – all because of your purchase.

Buy in Multiples to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint.

Did you know that the average family would have to plant approximately 660 trees per year just to remain carbon neutral? Therefore, we encourage you to buy in multiples so we can combat this alarming figure. To work out your carbon footprint, please visit our CO2 Emissions Calculator.

For ease of reference, here is an itemised list of where we plant trees in price order.

£0.70 Cameroon
£0.75 Nigeria
£0.80 Kenya
£1.50 Democratic Republic of Congo
£1.50 Philippines
£1.75 Madagascar
£2.50 Malawi
£2.50 Namibia
£2.75 Togo
£3.50 Bangladesh
£3.50 Ukraine
£3.85 Mexico
£3.85 Thailand
£3.90 Nicaragua
£4.20 Australia
£4.70 Brazil
£4.70 Peru
£4.80 Ghana
£4.85 Columbia
£5.50 Germany
£5.75 Costa Rica
£5.79 India
£6.30 Ecuador
£7.25 Ireland
£7.50 Spain
£8.20 Chile
£8.50 Bolivia
£8.70 USA
£8.90 Argentina
£9.50 Mongolia
£9.80 Belgium
£9.80 Vietnam

World Map for Tree Planting

Note. If you buy several trees to offset your carbon footprint we will only send one certificate for each location you choose.

View more trees in our Gift a Tree shop

Additional information

Select Country

Africa x 10, Argentina x 10, Australia x 10, Bangladesh x 10, Belgium x 10, Bolivia x 10, Brazil x 10, Cameroon x 10, Chile x 10, Columbia x 10, Congo, Democratic Republic of x 10, Costa Rica x 10, Ecuador, Germany x 10, Ghana x 10, Hawaii x 10, India x 10, Ireland x 10, Kenya x 10, Madagascar x 10, Malawi x 10, Mexico x 10, Mongolia x 10, Namibia x 10, Nicaragua x 10, Nigeria x 10, Peru x 10, Philippines x 10, South Africa x 10, Spain x 10, Thailand x 10, Togo x 10, UAE x 10, Ukraine x 10, USA x 10, Vietnam x 10

5.00 out of 5

1 review for Trees outside UK

  1. Ruth Wiggins
    5 out of 5

    I bought 50 trees in the Congo and am SO PLEASED I can help the planet especially when I am so far away. What’s more, I received a certificate with the trees exact location showing where they will be planted. Keep up the good work Andy!
    Ruth Wiggins, Bath

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