Plant a Wild Cherry Tree (UK)

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Gift a Wild Cherry Tree
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Perfect for birds and bees

SKU: SKU-CHERRY. Category:


Wild cherry trees have amazing blossom, which is great for bees. They look absolutely stunning when in full bloom. Mature trees can grow up to 30 metres and can live for 60 years.

The cherries are an excellent food source for birds which help to spread the seeds in their droppings.

This three looks fabulous and does so much for nature.

They are fast growing trees and can quickly help to absorb CO2 emissions. If you sponsor  cherry tree it will planted and named to whoever you dedicate it to.

After your purchase we will send you the precise location of your tree and a certificate for you via email.

Please note that we send everything via email to avoid adding to the carbon footprint of regular post and polluting the atmosphere.

Find out more about the Wild Cherry tree.

View more trees in our Gift a Tree shop

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